Phoenix Silhouettes

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#45 Day SUMMACOMING Challenge.....And the Winner Is......

Arlette Williams of BeeBe, Arkansas

And the Winner Is…… Arlette Williams

The Challenge started 05/07/19 and ended 06/21/19. This Challenge provided an outlet for those wanting to jump-start a more active and healthier lifestyle. The timing was perfect with summer peaking around the corner. The participants were provided tips and tools for a successful transition from eating carb filled meals and laying on the couch. Each participate had to submit their measurements and photos at the start and end of the challenge by the due dates to qualify. There were 11 participants with ages ranging from 28 to 61 years old. The fitness levels varied from couch potato to working out 3 days a week. The most frequently asked questions were about food i.e. what to eat, how much to eat, quitting sugar and carbs, etc. The hardest transition for most was to get active and too stay active. In the end, Arlette Williams, was the BIGGEST LOSER and the WINNER!!

Arlette lost a total of 15.4 lbs and a total of 13 inches over her entire body.

Interview with Arlette Williams

Why did you join the Challenge?

I had recently noticed that my weight was gradually increasing as my energy level was decreasing.  I was approaching 30 lbs more than my desired weight- the most that I’ve weighed in my life and thought that this opportunity would both motivate me to get moving as well as “challenge” myself which would make any results more rewarding. I am a competitive person. I started this challenge weighing in at 172.2 lbs.

What was the hardest part of the Challenge? 

The hardest part of the challenge for me was committing to an exercise schedule.  I had no problem with changing my eating habits for the most part, but having a sedentary position at work which sometimes can be mentally draining, I just wanted to go home, eat, and lie down.  When I was able to work out with my brother, I was motivated and “fired up” but when left alone it was a challenge to get started – once I did start though, I was glad I did it! I was also able to find exercise routines on YouTube. I am one of those that did not like to go to the gym. I am using free weights, jump ropes, and exercises just using my own body weight.

How get through the rough patch? 

YOU!! Well, Phoenix Silhouettes!!  I looked forward to seeing/reading the daily post from @phxsilhouettes on Instagram - these were motivating, inspirational, and at times humorous.  I was also able to call/email to get suggestions on the diet plan I wanted to follow, discuss my meal prep, weight loss successes as well as disappointments. I wouldn’t have remained committed without this support. The weekly check-ins were a big help.

What else did you change to be successful during this Challenge?

The main keys to success were simple:  meal prep, waist training, exercise. Without meal prep, I found it difficult to remain committed to the “Keto” lifestyle. I was able to find a few meals items that could be “tweaked” at several fast food restaurants like Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and Chic-Fil-A.

When did you start wearing your waist trainer? How long did you wear your garment each day?  

When I purchased the waist trainer prior to the announcement of the challenge, I had about 2 inches that I needed to lose in order to close it at the first row. So I wasn’t able to waist train the first 3 weeks of the challenge due  to my waist size and weight. Once I started seeing my weight loss, I tried it on again and was easily on the 1st row and was able to close it at the 2nd row. I then started wearing the trainer daily. I am currently up to 8 hours per day 5 days a week. I have the “vest” trainer. It smooths my silhouette under clothing which is great!!

What was one of your moments of weakness during the 45 Day Challenge? 

I had no problem committing to diet, I mentioned my issue with exercise, but my main weakness came when I stopped seeing results on my scale.  After having the exact same weight for 3 days, I was disappointed bordering on depression! I am clearly a numbers person and then I started to see Non-Scale Victories like being able to put the trainer on on the second row or seeing a difference in the way my clothes were fitting. But seeing the exact same weight 3 days in a row, made me analyze what I was doing and helped me make small adjustment or changes to keep the momentum going.

How did you handle it? 

I CALLED AND SPOKE WITH YOU!!  You shared a similar story and suggested that I try intermittent fasting (IF)– WHICH WORKED!

What would you do differently if this happened again or suggest others?

I would try IF again and suggest that others do the same.  I would also suggest taking measurements and not totally rely on the scale.  The inches lost are what are evident even when the weight on the scale is not.

How soon before you realized your body was changing i.e. clothes fit differently, standing on the scale, co-workers mentioning you look different?

When I visited family that had not seen me in months, EVERYONE made comments about me looking different and how much weight I lost.

What did you enjoy most during your journey?

The feeling of accomplishment and finishing something that I started that was measurable.

Will you continue with your current diet, exercise regimen/lifestyle, and waist training?

Yes, I am continuing with my diet and exercise regimen and want to increase the time that I am waist training. My goal is to make this a lifestyle, but I will tweak it a bit. I don’t want to lose too much more weight. I do want to work on toning my arms, thighs, and abs.

What is your goal?

My ultimate goal is 150 lbs, 34/23/34 and to continue working out a minimum of 3 days per week. I ended the challenge weighing in at 156.8 lbs. NOTE: a week before this Blog posted, Arlette’s current weight was 149.2 lbs.

Any words of encouragement?

I would just encourage everyone to give this lifestyle change a try.  They should start with diet and exercise and add the waist training to ensure that they receive the results that they desire.  For my vegetarian family members and friends, I have found that it is possible to have a “Keto” Vegetarian diet. Instagram and Pinterest have excellent meal ideas and exercise routines.  The main key though is to find someone to go through this journey with you. Someone who can motivate you, congratulate you, and that you can do the same for in return.

Below are before and after pics/mearsurements

a week before this Blog posted, Arlette’s current weight was 149.2 lbs.


Enjoying family and friends in Las Vegas…

I want to personally thank each and every participant for the courage to get off the couch and get moving!! We all have personal journeys, trials, and tribulations. It’s all about how you manage the hand you were dealt. I look forward to new blossoming relationships developed through this challenge and new ventures going forward.


Phoenix Silhouettes will be adding a new garment to the arsenal for everyday wear as well as something for the men…so stay tuned!!

Another Blog Post will be coming with my personal results from the 45 days challenge as well as month of July progress…so stay tuned!!

Suggestion box is open…. Would you be interested in a 16 week challenge? It would basically start 09/05/19 through 12/22/19 (NFL Football Season). Is this too long? Would you commit? Do you have a #Goalfriend to bring along with you on this journey?