Phoenix Silhouettes will continue to encourage and support those who are READY to take ACTION, make necessary CHANGES, and STOP with ALL the EXCUSES!!!!
I stay committed to helping everyone Exude Confidence and Enhance their Fire Body!!
First 30 Days In Review
This transformation challenge started 09/01/19. There are a total of 12 participants. The participants were asked to provide their goals and plan to achieve results by the end of the 16-Week period (ends 12/21/19. As you may have suspected, several have goals of losing weight and inches. Each for for the first 30 days, I made contact with the participants to confirm they were on track with “their proposed plan” to reach their goals. There are some individuals who work out 2 days a week, 3 days a week, and 5 days a week. There are some individuals who have committed to a healthier diet and eating habits. Through the first 30 days, I am proud to say everyone was able to make the necessary adjustments for the most part. The hardest action was exercise. I heard it all from too busy, too late, didn’t get up early enough, or the best one yet, my gym partner didn’t want to work out so I didn’t go. These are all excuses. The purpose of the challenge is to kick the bad habits and make the necessary adjustments so the ‘2019 Goals’ do not become ‘2020 Resolutions’!!
At the end of the first 30 days, the participants had 24 hours to send me a picture of them standing on the scale to show their current weight. I was VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED at the lack of participation. Based on the feedback I was receiving weekly, each person had a chance to win in this challenge. It goes without saying, the proof is in the pudding. You can talk a good talk but unless you walk the walk, you will not get where you are going, PERIOD!!!
The participants who did respond have phenomenal results…
These lades get a Custom Phoenix Silhouettes Sweatshirt or T-Shirt with their names.
We are half way through the month of October. All the yummy goodies are on display at the stores as we ramp up for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. You will all be given personal challenges from Phoenix Silhouettes to step up your game and propel to the next level. You will be asked to eliminate foods, increase your minutes or days of workout, or try a new workout. If you have not been successful these first 45 days, then you MUST make the necessary adjustments to get on track and STAY on TRACK. You need to evaluate your plan and your goals. You need an accountability partner #GOALFRIEND.
I am not sure what the next Mini-Challenge so if you have suggestions, please let me know.
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. The below are recommendations based on my own personal experiences.
Phoenix Silhouettes will be a vendor at the Holiday Extravaganza 11/16/19 (more details to come).
Next Mini-Challenge to be announced 10/30/19!!
Phoenix Silhouettes released a new garment, ULTRAFLEX BODYSUIT, 10/11/19. Check it out under Phoenix Pheathers.
Ready to look good in your form fitting outfits? You need ‘her’ in your arsenal of shapewear!
The Challenge started 05/07/19 and ended 06/21/19. This Challenge provided an outlet for those wanting to jump-start a more active and healthier lifestyle. The timing was perfect with summer peaking around the corner. The participants were provided tips and tools for a successful transition from eating carb filled meals and laying on the couch. Each participate had to submit their measurements and photos at the start and end of the challenge by the due dates to qualify. There were 11 participants with ages ranging from 28 to 61 years old. The fitness levels varied from couch potato to working out 3 days a week. The most frequently asked questions were about food i.e. what to eat, how much to eat, quitting sugar and carbs, etc. The hardest transition for most was to get active and too stay active. In the end, Arlette Williams, was the BIGGEST LOSER and the WINNER!!
Arlette lost a total of 15.4 lbs and a total of 13 inches over her entire body.
The month of April was extremely busy preparing for the 45-Day #SUMMASCOMING Challenge while the month of May has been extremely exciting participating and interacting with he participants. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I lost 1.3 lbs from March to April ending at 156 lbs. I started the Challenge May 7th at 156 lbs. My next weight update will be after the Challenge ends 06/21/19.
The response and support from the community has been absolutely amazing!! I don’t think we realize how important it is to have a positive support system. This is one key to success. The other key is YOU. When you take the momentum of “drive/determination” and put it into actions, The Sky Is The Limit. I have spent the last couple of years focusing on losing weight. In 2019, I decided to focus on fitness and transforming my body. It took only a couple of months before others were noticing a change in my body as well as my overall emotional well-being. My family and friends (co-workers) became my positive support system. This was a way for me hold myself accountable and stay on track. My positive support system encouraged me to start the 45-Day #SUMMASCOMING Challenge. As the Challenge is currently underway (Day#23 of 45), I have been tracking 11 participants with weekly emails/calls/text messages providing information based on my personal experience or resources available to help them through their journey. Each and every one of ya’ll have reported back with some type of success whether it was meal prepping, exercise regimens, waist training, discussions about something you’ve read or heard, and if nothing else, just to check-in to see how I am doing.
The first 90 days of the 2019 Health and Fitness Journey has been a mixed bag of emotions. It’s a “GOOD” bag of emotions, though. I have been so motivated, determined, and engaged during the last 90 days, I am truly beside myself. The whole idea of blogging and social media engagement has been an ongoing trial & error learning experience. In this very short period of time, I have gained followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. It's like having an extended family without a mother-monster-in-law…LOL. Most of the followers are in the same situation as myself trying to lose weight and/or get healthy in 2019; they have provided great feedback, great support, and great words of encouragement to keep me ACCOUNTABLE and going STRONG. In March, we launched #PHOENIXPHEATHERS. We are selling Premium Latex Vest Waist Trainers and Waist Trainers (seen wearing in prior blog pics). My followers were very supportive in this business venture with all the likes, shares, and comment engagements and let’s not forget PURCHASES!!!
The RESULTS are in and it’s PROGRESS. Since the last update, my focus has been directed to staying on track and true to my journey. I was anticipating the pressures of blogging my journey where results would measure my success; however, it has also helped to hold me accountable since I am sharing my story with you.
February 2019, I have learned staying aware and consistent is the key to getting results, this is my new lifestyle, and I have no regrets. Depending on the goals set, people measure progress and success differently; and that’s okay. This journey for me is being measured by weightloss and body transformation. I am expecting weightloss right now based on my diet and exercise. I am not expecting major changes in my body this early on since I am still losing fat and trying to build muscle. Mentally, I have prepared myself by setting reasonable expectations. I want consistent healthy weighloss that will stay off even when/if I decide to have some Haribo Gummy Bears. To each it’s own but anytime I have dropped a significant amount of weight in a short period, it has come back and then some (everyone has heard or experienced this I’m sure). As I melt away the pounds, I will appreciate the process and love myself more for the hard work and follow through ensuring my goals are reached. I want my journey to be just that, a journey. Being fit and healthy, is my “new” lifestyle. I want the changes I have implemented when I re-committed to this journey to be my way of life from here on out. I want being active and working out to be my routine and no different than a daily routine to take kids to school or to go to work. If it’s my routine, it’s expected and it will HAPPEN. At the same time, there is a downside to having a routine that is too strict and does not have wiggle room for changes or obstacles we face in our lives. You have to be mentally prepared for those times and have NO REGRETS or SELF-DOUBT when the routine changes and the progress stalls. You should be mentally prepared to pick up where you left off and move forward with no self-loathing, remorse, or feelings of defeat. I have made it a point to stay positive and encourage myself every single day to help nourish my mental as I move forward in this journey.
Wearing Silhouette (3) Row Hooks Long Torso Latex Waist Trainer - Black
In the month of February, I have been working to launch Phoenix Silhouettes “Phoenix Pheathers”. Embarking on this business venture has made it even easier to stay on track; and being on track = PROGRESS, yes PROGRESS!!
It has been extremely exciting and has given an added boost of motivation to ensure the success of this launch. Phoenix Silhouettes will release “Phoenix Pheathers” March 2019.
Phoenix Silhouettes will offer a giveaway to one lucky winner. You need to stay connected for details to be announced on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @PhxSilhouettes as well as email notifications to those subscribed on this website for updates.
Phoenix Silhouettes will engage and encourage followers to participate in a 45-day Challenge as we get ready for #SUMMA, yes Ladies #SUMMASCOMING.
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. The garments available for purchase are LATEX and consumers should be cautious and avoid exposure if allergic.
I was able to work out 8 days in the entire month of February due to work committments. My last workout was 02/26/19. The focus for me this month was FOOD. The moment I realized my work schedule would interrupt my workout schedule I knew I had no room for error with my meals AND intermittent fasting was an ABSOLUTE MUST. I had to track my macros (healthy fat intake, moderate protein, and carbs under 30 grams) and wear my “Phoenix Pheathers” Waist Trainer throughout the day. I still had “Bulletproof” coffee each morning (this is how I am able to start the day off right with my staff at the office..LOL). I extended the time to have my first meal (or only meal) to around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. Since I was getting home after 8:30 at night, I rarely ate but if I was hungry I made sure to have a KETO approved food option available. My meal prep goals are always simple meals with 4 - 5 ingredients or less with lots of flavor. For example, I seared chicken thighs and placed on top of sauteed spinach & kale with a can of roasted tomatoes and a 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream, then topped each chicken thigh with a slice of provolone cheese, and baked it from 15 minutes (DELICIOUS!!). I prepared Spring Mix salads, with olives and cucumbers, topped with bacon bits, shredded cheese, and ranch dressing (diluted with olive juice). If I found myself hungry when I got home, I would wrap pepperoni around cheese sticks and microwave for 45 seconds and called it a meal. I increased my water intake as well to make sure I was truly hungry before eating. Each week, I prepare similar meals and salads to get me through the day. If you are interested in more recipes, subscribe to the website and/or send me an email requesting more recipe ideas and I will be sure to share my arsenal with you.
60 Days...
159.5 lbs
11.1 lbs down
For the month of February, I was able to lose weight by focusing on FOOD. I was able to get some sweat sessions in but did not meet my goal of 3 days per week. I know in order to see my body transform, I will have to workout to build muscle. My journey continues into March. I expect more of the same this month due to work committments but I will be determined to get my workouts in and hopefully my #Goalfriend will be joining me again.
I am extremely excited for the ‘Phoenix Pheathers’ Waist Trainer Giveaway, launch of Phoenix Silhouettes ‘Phoenix Pheathers’, and 45 - Day Challenge… #SUMMASCOMING
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.
Release Your Phoenix….
Now, I am not here to give you a history lesson on waist training but let’s just say this technique has been around for thousands of years. The goal of waist training is to help reduce a women’s waistline displaying a sexy silhouette under her clothing.
Let’s fast-forward thousands of years later to RIGHT NOW… and the goal of waist training is still the same. Every woman wants to feel beautiful, sexy, and confident in their skin. Some women are blessed with “great” genes and are naturally slim, fit, and/or curvy; and they can eat whatever they want without gaining a single pound. Then, there are others like myself who can eat a crumb and look 4 months pregnant. I did not like how I looked in my clothes and I knew I needed to be realistic with my goals and expected results. I had to find other solutions to help reduce my body fat to give me a fit and firm body shape.
It was in my moment of envy watching all the YouTube videos on the BBL Journey and Plastic Surgery Transformation updates, I decided I would put the work in to improve the appearance of my body by losing weight and reducing my overall fat percentage. As mentioned in the prior blog post, I started with my diet. I focused on tracking meals and macros for a year. By doing so, I dropped the unwanted weight; however, I did not exercise regularly and as a result my body is flabby. I have the infamous “batwings”, jiggling thighs, upper back fat, and yes, a fupa. I still was not committed to exercising regularly, so over the next year I started experimenting with shapewear like waist trainers, girdles, bodysuits, and compression camisoles. I was so focused on having met my goal weight I wasted another year still feeling a certain way about how I looked in my clothes. I wanted the smooth and firm appearance in my dresses and jeans. After many months of wearing shapewear, I started noticing changes in my body like a waistline and a firmer butt. It was such a noticeable difference even my husband noticed and made comments here and there.
In December 2018 I made the decision to recommit my focus fitness and health, I knew I needed to incorporate the use of the best waist trainers and compression shapewear on the market. With today’s technology and ingenious inventions, one would be NUTS not to utilize these tools to expedite the journey and enhance the results.
Phoenix Silhouettes has partnered with manufacturers to provide the BEST waist trainers and compression shapewear available on the market. We want to help ENHANCE your FIRE BODIES. We call these garments tools ‘Phoenix Pheathers’. Our focus is to start with the tools we know will be effective in getting results and will help you stick to the goals set for your 2019 Health and Fitness Journey.
The first of the ‘Phoenix Pheathers’ being released are the Latex Waist Trainers and Latex Vest Waist Trainers. These tools can be used while working out or worn throughout the day under your clothing. If you have never waist trained or worn a waist trainer, there is a schedule to consider following to allow you time to adjust to the garment to ensure optimal results. The “Pheathers” will be available for sale in March.
Phoenix Silhouettes will offer a giveaway to a lucky winner. You need to stay connected for details to be announced on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter @PhxSilhouettes as well as email notifications to those subscribed on this website for updates.
Phoenix Silhouettes will engage and encourage followers to participate in a 45-day Challenge as we get ready for #SUMMA, yes Ladies #SUMMASCOMING.
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. The garments available for purchase are LATEX and consumers should be cautious and avoid exposure if allergic.
The first 31 days of this year-long health and fitness journey, bye-bye! I have remained as focused and motivated as Day #1. I made the commitment to embark on this lifestyle change and so far I am sticking to it. Each day I find myself researching and pursuing information to find ideas to help me stick to my schedule/routine and at the same time keep things fresh and exciting. I watch YouTube videos, scroll Instagram and Pinterest, read daily blogs, and search Google to find different recipes, meal plans, exercise routines, and regimens to help me manage my needs to keep going STRONG (I'm sure we all do this). In the past, I would start a diet and it was almost a secret until someone noticed a change and you were almost forced to say what you did or were doing. I had only a few friends to share my experiences with to help me stay on track. Well, this journey is DIFFERENT, totally DIFFERENT. I know a lot of my motivation and success staying on track has to do with sharing my story on different social media platforms. The other reason is I am getting older and quite frankly, could care less who knew or didn't know about my struggles with weight or body insecurities. I am more comfortable talking about the things I do that work for me, didn’t work for me, or I tweaked to get my results. In 31 days, I have managed to beat the "Suga" monster, stay away from CARBS, and workout regularly. The “Suga” monster is like the devil on your shoulder. I keep reminding myself of the goals and that’s about the only thing standing in the way of me devouring a bag of Haribo Gummies (well, and my husband guarding the basket at the grocery store blocking my attempts to get the bag in the backset before checkout - THANKS HUSBAND #MutomboInGeicoCommerial)
21 Days down and 344 days to go in 2019.
There are plenty of articles and studies out there claiming it takes 21 days to break a habit. While eating foods high in sugar and carbs is more a lifestyle choice, the concept of breaking habits can still be applied. You are breaking the habit of eating bread, rice, potatoes and dessert with every meal each day. It’s day #21 into 2019 (and today is MLK Jr. Holiday) and I am here documenting my continued transformation journey to a healthier me. So far, I am claiming success revamping my diet and sticking to my exercise goals.
I am sure this sounds to optimistic for some but others, words of encouragement. I have managed to stay #SUGARFREE for 10 days. I have managed to stick to my goal to workout 2 - 3 times a week (actually 3 times each week so far). I am burning 550 - 770 calories per session.
In the Kick-Off Blog, I shared my starting weight for this journey was 170.6 lbs. As of 01/11/2019, my current weight is 166.1 lbs. Understanding, the numbers look good and sound good but this is really the detoxing process. I am going through the stage of removing the extra water weight and toxins as I have focused on my food intake and maximizing my results with workout.