Here’s to the First 90 Days of 2019…..
90 Days down and 275 days to go in 2019
The first 90 days of the 2019 Health and Fitness Journey has been a mixed bag of emotions. It’s a “GOOD” bag of emotions, though. I have been so motivated, determined, and engaged during the last 90 days, I am truly beside myself. The whole idea of blogging and social media engagement has been an ongoing trial & error learning experience. In this very short period of time, I have gained followers on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. It's like having an extended family without a mother-monster-in-law…LOL. Most of the followers are in the same situation as myself trying to lose weight and/or get healthy in 2019; they have provided great feedback, great support, and great words of encouragement to keep me ACCOUNTABLE and going STRONG. In March, we launched #PHOENIXPHEATHERS. We are selling Premium Latex Vest Waist Trainers and Waist Trainers (seen wearing in prior blog pics). My followers were very supportive in this business venture with all the likes, shares, and comment engagements and let’s not forget PURCHASES!!!
Since the last update, my focus has been to remain consistent with exercising 2 - 3 times a week. I have been working to increase my dumbbell weights during workout in an attempt to burn fat, tone, and build muscle. My journey is to transform my SILHOUETTE. I know I still have fat to lose and a long way to go. I really never defined what my “end goal” would be because I first needed to gain dedication, consistency, and normalcy of exercising. At this point, I believe I have adopted exercise as the “normal”. I’m actually excited to get to the gym and push myself hard. I can’t wait to post/share my “calories burned” pink watch shot on Instagram and Facebook Page. I am not the best at selfies but I am getting there since my followers want to see the workout results with the waist trainer, the meals I eat, and just good ‘ole fun enjoying the transformation process.
Before the end of March weigh-in, I was super excited and could not wait to stand on the scale to see the final weight lost results...AND WHEN I DID... I couldn't believe the scale barely moved…HAHA. It moved to show a measurable loss but I was expecting a much larger number. I then had to think about it. I was seeing changes in my body thinking I was LOSING WEIGHT and didn't consider I was GAINING MUSCLE. As stated before, this transformation is being measured by weightloss and body transformation. So to put March into perspective, I am still on track and #WINNING.
Wearing Silhouette (3) Row Hooks Long Torso Latex Waist Trainer - Black Size Large. I started wearing the trainer 12/31/18 on the first row of hooks (in grey pants). By 03/31/19, I am on the second row of hooks (blue pants). #PROGRESS!!!
Phoenix Silhouettes will engage followers to participate in #SUMMASCOMING 45-Day Waist Training Challenge. The Challenge is scheduled to start 05/07/19 and will end 06/21/19 (First Official Day of Summer). This gives participants time to purchase their preferred trainer, find a #Goalfriend (if you need one - it’s recommended - even if it’s me), and prepare mentally to ensure optimal focus. A waist training schedule will be provided along with rules to the challenge (something very simple to track results). The goal of this challenge is to lose as many inches in 45 days. This will require wearing the trainer regularly, exercising, and watching food intake (for the best results).
Over the next few weeks, I will be asking for feedback on additional information you feel is needed for YOU to be successful in this challenge…i.e. meal prep ideas, exercise routines, etc.
Be sure to Subscribe to the Blog for timely updates and Follow us on Facebook/Instagram and Twitter @phxsilhouettes
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. The garments available for purchase are LATEX and consumers should be cautious and avoid exposure if allergic.
March Exercise and Diet in Review
I managed to work out 2 - 3 times each week in the month of March. I continued to focus on my food intake; however, I did have a few moments of weakness with the new Oreo Ice Cream Cone at Sonic and some Haribo gummies. Instead of feeling weak and defeated, I made sure I watched my calorie intake that day and worked out the following day to burn off the stored sugar. I felt having the treat actually helped the craving. I ate and got over it after that. I did not continue to eat these types of foods afterwards. I did follow intermittent fasting schedule (16:8) twice a week in March. I did meal prep every week. I had shrimp/beef sausage with broccoli crock pot recipe, ground beef patties stuffed with provolone and cream cheese with spinach, and seared chicken thighs with cabbage. In addition to these meals, I had my traditional spring salad mix (mentioned in the previous blog). I did not maintain a good water intake and realize I need to do better to ensure proper hydration. As mentioned earlier, I did so well with my exercise schedule and my diet (minus the ice cream and candy), I was expecting a much larger deficit when I stepped on the scale. I am not disappointed in the least. I am obviously changing my body composition. I have gone from wearing my size Large trainer on the 1st row of hooks to the 2nd row of hooks. I am slowly getting back into size 8 jeans. If anyone asks me, this is measured success or at least how I measure success.
If you are interested in more recipes, subscribe to the website and/or send me an email requesting more recipe ideas and I will be sure to share my arsenal with you.
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan. The garments available for purchase are LATEX and consumers should be cautious and avoid exposure if allergic.
90 Days…157.3
13.3 lbs down
I would normally end the blog with a recap of events from the month but I think I will leave you with this picture and a few quotes…
“Ask For What You Want And Be Prepared To Get It”.. Maya Angelou ~ courtesy of #PurposeApp
“Find Your Purpose Or You Wasting Air”.. Nipsey Hussle #RIPNIPSEY
“#UNBOTHERED. Your Perfect Imperfections Are All Overshadowed by Self-Love and Self-Confidence”.. author Unknown
If you have any questions regarding the information shared or information you would like to know including assistance ordering your Premium Latex Trainer, please feel free to contact me by email or any of the social media platforms.
Be sure to visit the prior blog posts and like and share on your social media platforms. Don’t forget to Follow Us on Facebook Page/Instagram and Twitter @phxsilhouettes