After 21 Days You Don’t Want It…..Or Do You…
21 Days down and 344 days to go in 2019.
There are plenty of articles and studies out there claiming it takes 21 days to break a habit. While eating foods high in sugar and carbs is more a lifestyle choice, the concept of breaking habits can still be applied. You are breaking the habit of eating bread, rice, potatoes and dessert with every meal each day. It’s day #21 into 2019 (and today is MLK Jr. Holiday) and I am here documenting my continued transformation journey to a healthier me. So far, I am claiming success revamping my diet and sticking to my exercise goals. I am very motivated and excited to have met my goal of going to the gym 2 - 3 times a week (and again 3 times each week so far). I am currently burning 580 - 900 calories per session. Please don’t be alarmed by the 900 calories session - it was actually an hour and a half in the gym and it was only one time (but feels good to say it and see it).
Week#3 Exercise and Diet in Review
There has not been much change to my exercise regimen with the exception of WEIGHT!! I am down to 164.9 lbs. I continue with 3 HITT circuits performing 4 different exercises (20 - 40 reps each) for 4 rounds. I do change up the exercises each day to keep it fun/different and ensuring all areas of the body are targeted during each session. To prepare for the week, I spend time over the weekend watching videos and reading fitness blogs to put together the workouts. Having a planned workout routine before stepping into the gym, cut down on the frustration and confusion of what to do when you get there and it prevents motivation deflation. I still have my workout buddy to push me to my limits at each session. I do feel better about myself but I can’t say I have more energy or any of those other things folks claim regular exercise will optimize; maybe eventually, I will began experiencing those feelings and will be sure to share. For now, I am just excited I have not fallen off my #2019Transformation goal.
As I move along this journey, I will be sharing my exercise routines and my exercise gear i.e. waist trainers. Phoenix Silhouettes will have the latex waist trainers available for purchase online very soon.
21 days in…164.9 Ibs
5.7 lbs down
Next is an update on my diet, #TEAMKETO. It has been 21 days since I have eaten carbs to include bread, rice, pasta, or grains as well as refined sugars i.e. those great candies and cookies. Now, can I honestly say I don’t want or crave these foods? NO!! What I am sure about is in 2.1 seconds I can turn these first 21 days of results into the #EPICFAIL by eating the foods I have eliminated from my diet. I am mentally honed in right now and I contribute this to how I am still going strong. It’s sheer WILL POWER saving me right now. If you read the articles and medical studies about changing habits; they go a little further to say it actually takes up to 66 days to create a lifestyle. Well, I am creating a lifestyle. I am doing this for the long haul. I have experienced the inner bliss of losing weight and feeling great about myself in the process. My goal now is to make it a lifestyle. I don’t want to revert back to old habits of eating horribly or not exercising/being active. If I make this a lifestyle, it will just be my “normal”.
As mentioned previously, I work very long hours. To keep myself on the straight and narrow to keep focused, I have shared my 2019 goals with my work family. Like most business offices, we have visitors stopping by with goodies all the time. It’s rarely a veggie or fruit tray. It’s regularly cookies, cupcakes, candies, even ice cream. I feel so empowered to be able to say “No Thank You”. For me to be able to say No and stay disciplined, I have to have the all or nothing mentality. If there’s an inch of wiggle room, I can guarantee disaster waiting to happen.
This past week I stuck to the Keto Basics. I had two meals a day and some days snacked on pecans before workout. My meals were all prepped for the week (nothing fancy). I keep things simple to prevent complicating the day with the “what do I want to eat” dilemma. I stuck to coffee with 1 tbsp. of heavy whipping cream, 2 eggs or 1 sausage link for my first meal, then salad or my prepped foods for my second meal of the day. I will start sharing recipes as we get further along this journey.
If you interested in learning more about the Keto Diet, do your research and don’t stop with the first article you read or video you see.
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.