We’re 10 days into 2019 and going strong…..
10 Days down and 355 days to go in 2019.
I am sure this sounds to optimistic for some but others, words of encouragement. I have managed to stay #SUGARFREE for 10 days. I have managed to stick to my goal to workout 2 - 3 times a week (actually 3 times each week so far). I am burning 550 - 770 calories per session.
Week #1 and #2 Exercise and in Diet Review
In the Kick-Off Blog, I shared my starting weight for this journey was 170.6 lbs. As of 01/11/2019, my current weight is 166.1 lbs. Understanding, the numbers look good and sound good but this is really the detoxing process. I am going through the stage of removing the extra water weight and toxins as I have focused on my food intake and maximizing my results with workout.
I have a good friend and co-worker who asked for my help in her workout journey. I couldn’t resist the offer since it also helps keep me motivated to get to the gym. We are working out using the DUO app (android version of Facetime). Because I have a later work schedule, she goes home and calls me once I get to the gym. I am coaching her through the workout but we are essentially doing the workout together and we can see each other struggling through the circuit training as we are sweating our way to a better body. It’s GREAT!! It is always recommended to have a partner to keep you motivated and I am here to say… It does work! Since working out with her, I have increased my calorie burn from around 550 in an hour to over 750 in an hour. In the hour workout, we have 3 HITT circuits performing 4 different exercises (20 - 40 reps each) for 4 rounds. In between the circuits, I use the treadmill and she uses the exercise bike to bring our heart rates down a bit before starting another circuit. We will continue to change things up so we stay invested and excited to keep going strong for our #2019Transformation.
10 days in… 166.1 lbs
As for my diet, #TEAMKETO going strong. Despite my sugar intake the last several months, it was somewhat easy to go cold turkey this time around. I have experienced the “Keto Flu” symptoms but very mild. I did have headaches and runny nose for a few days but all is clear now. As for meals, I have stuck to 1 -2 meals each day with occasional pecans for a snack. My water intake is up during the day (I didn’t realize how much I was NOT going to the ladies room through the day before now). The key to a successful meal selection is meal prepping. This was one of the biggest lifesavers for me a couple years back and I have continued with meal prep but slacked off in 2018. I am pulling out those each go to recipes and get back to it. For me, knowing exactly what I am eating at each meal is easier than trying to think of something when I am hungry i.e. a disaster waiting to happen for me. I use YouTube and Pinterest to find the perfect “keto-friendly” meal ideas with 4 ingredients or less (mostly). I try to meal prep at least 2 - 3 different meals each week for my family to have during the week. By doing this, I don’t have to cook during the week especially after working 10 - 12 hours and a serious sweat session at the gym. It’s super convenient and very cost effective.
In the news this week, there’s been a lot of controversy with Ketogenic Diet. Some love it while some hate it. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion. Everyone is different. Anytime something presents outside of mainstream expectations, there will be backlash and negativity. There have been TV episodes on the Keto Diet and regular everyday folks who have used this diet to shred hundreds of pounds the last few years. In 2019, there is a current Twitter battle with Julian Michaels and Al Roker. Of course, I am siding with Al on this one because I am all for a person doing what works for them.
If you interested in learning more about the Keto Diet, do your research and don’t stop with the first article you read or video you see.
Dr. Eric Berg D.C. - YouTube video, “What is the Ketogenic Diet”
DISCLAIMER: You should always consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.