Happy New Year to Everyone!!
Enhancing your “Fire Body” starts from the inside.
After years of failed roller coaster fad diets, I was at my lowest and realized I was turning 40 and needed to get my physical and mental health together. As I attempted yet another go at starting a diet, I decided I would follow a low fat diet. I noticed eating high protein made me gain weight and still crave sugar. After understanding what worked for me and body, I realized the “Low Carb Life” was the best eating plan for me. I decided it was time to make adjustments by totally giving up sugar and restricting carb intake, eating some protein, and increasing my fat intake for energy. In less than 3 months, I lost over 25 lbs. During this initial period, I was researching online and YouTube and discovered the name of the diet I was following was also known as “The Keto Diet”. Keto is short for Ketogenic. By eliminating carbohydrates, your body uses its storage of glycogen first before using other fuel sources. Once you are in ketosis, you start burning body fat.
Primarily, a Keto diet consists of healthy fats, like eggs, avocado, olive oil, and meat . I found myself eating more nuts, seeds, and vegetables such as spring mix salads, spinach and kale, broccoli, and green beans. My body was changing right before my eyes by just changing my diet. My body was using my fat as fuel and the pounds were just dropping off. I went from a 205 lbs size 16 to 152 lbs size 8 in less than 8 months. This was all from changing my diet; I rarely exercised.
During this transition, I found myself searching for shapewear and undergarments to help provide smoothness and curve support in my clothing. I am now addicted. I wear some form of shapewear under my clothing everyday.
I rock a Phoenix Silhouette!!
I had maintained the weight loss for the last year; Fast-forward to end of 2018 where I gained 18 lbs. It started with pieces of candy here and there; AND when the Halloween candy hit the isles at my local grocery store…IT WAS OVER, I found myself eating the entire back of Haribo Gummies, Twizzlers, the latest Oreo flavor cookies and latest M&M’s flavor candy every single day. It was just that easy to fall back in love with sugar and just as quick for the pounds to return.
December 31st, 2018, I recommitted myself and mind to the Keto Lifestyle.
I log my food in MyFitnessPal App along with my daily weight. I am going to focus on 2 meals a day until I ocan transition to 1 meal a day to achieve optimal intermittent fasting, also known as, IF. I am not making promises but will simply try it out.
2019 is the year to release your Phoenix Silhouettes.
SIDE NOTE: I did have my traditional New Year’s dinner with fried chicken, black eyed peas (no rice), and cabbage. I did not indulge, only enough to ensure…….
All information and tools presented and written within this site are intended for informational purposes only. I am not a certified nutritionist and any nutritional information on phoenixsilhouettes.com should only be used as a general guideline. This information is provided as a courtesy and there is no guarantee that the information will be completely accurate. You understand and acknowledge that you should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. You also understand and acknowledge that you should never disregard or delay seeking medical advice relating to treatment or standard of care because of information contained in or transmitted through the website.